Information On The Film The Letters

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The Letters

Watching The Movie The Letters
The Letters Film Information

What's The Movie The Letters About?

How have you been? Takeshi's letter is delivered one each month to his younger brother, Naoki. Takeshi is serving a life term in prison for the crime that he had committed to save his brother. But the crime's aftereffect extends to Naoki, and, branded as a "murderer's brother," Naoki is deprived of his love, career and dream. His desperate situation gradually changes when he finds true love with Yumiko, who always stands by him. To protect the love that he has finally found, Naoki begins writing a letter to Takeshi... The touching story of a man who was powerless against his irreversible fate, but still tried to overcome it in the quest for his dream.

What's The Genre Of The The Letters Movie?

Genres: Drama

Who Stars In The The Letters Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture The Letters Released?

Released: November 3, 2006

What's The Runtime Of The The Letters Movie?

Runtime: 121.0

How Popular Is The The Letters Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.443

What Studio(s) Produced The The Letters Film?



Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture The Letters?

Naotaka Takeshima Takayuki Yamada
Yumiko Shirai Erika Sawajiri
Takashi Takeshima Tetsuji Tamayama
Asami Nakajo Kazue Fukiishi
Yusuke Terao Hiroyuki Onoue
Tadao Ogata Mitsuru Fukikoshi

Who Was On The Crew Of The Letters The Movie?

Directing — Director: Jiro Shono
Writing — Novel: Keigo Higashino

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