Information On The Film The Mattei Affair

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The Mattei Affair

Watching The Movie The Mattei Affair
The Mattei Affair Film Information

What's The Movie The Mattei Affair About?

Enrico Mattei helped change Italy's future, first as freedom-fighter against the Nazis, then as an investor in methane gas through a public company, A.G.I.P., and ultimately as the head of ENI, a state body formed for the development of oil resources. October 27, 1962, he died when his private airplane crashed, one minute before it should land at Milan airport. Officially, he died of a flight accident. Actually, many journalists explored other plausible reasons for the untimely landing of the small aircraft.

What's The Genre Of The The Mattei Affair Movie?

Genres: Crime, Drama, Foreign, History, Thriller

When Was The Motion Picture The Mattei Affair Released?

Released: January 26, 1972

What's The Runtime Of The The Mattei Affair Movie?

Runtime: 116.0

How Popular Is The The Mattei Affair Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.050

What Studio(s) Produced The The Mattei Affair Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of The Mattei Affair The Movie?

Directing — Director: Francesco Rosi
Writing — Screenplay: Tonino Guerra

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