Information On The Film The Necktie

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All about the movie The Necktie. Get information on the motion picture The Necktie including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

The Necktie

Watching The Movie The Necktie
The Necktie Film Information

What's The Movie The Necktie About?

A solitary man works in a tall office building. The only moment in his drab life that's out of the ordinary each year seems to be opening the birthday card and gift from his mother. Usually it's a tie, but one year it's an accordion. It goes into the closet with his many ties. A year or two later, he discovers what happens to the papers he processes every day. His discovery sends him first to the building's top floor, then to his closet.

What's The Genre Of The The Necktie Movie?

Genres: Animation

When Was The Motion Picture The Necktie Released?

Released: August 28, 2008

What's The Runtime Of The The Necktie Movie?

Runtime: 12.0

How Popular Is The The Necktie Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.230

What Studio(s) Produced The The Necktie Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of The Necktie The Movie?

Directing — Director: Jean-Francois Levesque
Writing — Screenplay: Jean-Francois Levesque

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