Information On The Film Urbania

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All about the movie Urbania. Get information on the motion picture Urbania including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at


Watching The Movie Urbania
Urbania Film Information

What's The Movie Urbania About?

Charlie takes an odyssey through grief during a fall weekend in New York City. His encounters are planned and chance: with a homeless man who sleeps by his building, with a friend who's dying, with the couple who lives (and noisily loves) in the flat above him, with a bartender and a one-night-stand he follows home, and with a tattooed stranger whom he seeks out and befriends. Along the way, Charlie inhabits a city full of moments of violence and of stories and legends: a kidney thief, a microwaved poodle, a rat in a hot dog bun, a baby left on a car top, a tourist's toothbrush, needles in public-phone change slots. Charlie lives and tells his own stories. What caused his melancholy?

Heard any good stories lately?

What's The Genre Of The Urbania Movie?

Genres: Drama, Romance

Who Stars In The Urbania Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Urbania Released?

Released: January 24, 2000

What's The Runtime Of The Urbania Movie?

Runtime: 103.0

How Popular Is The Urbania Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.445

What Studio(s) Produced The Urbania Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Urbania?

Charlie Dan Futterman
Steve Matt Keeslar
Dean Samuel Ball
Bill Lothaire Bluteau
Brett Alan Cumming
Matt Josh Hamilton
Sam James Simon
Deedee Megan Dodds
Ron Gabriel Olds
Clara - The Married Woman Barbara Sukowa
Don Gerry Bamman
Judy - The Photo Lady Pamela Shaw
Efraim - The Window Couple Christopher Bradley

Who Was On The Crew Of Urbania The Movie?

Directing — Director: Jon Matthews

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