Information On The Film A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve

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All about the movie A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve. Get information on the motion picture A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve

Watching The Movie A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve
A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve Film Information

What's The Movie A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve About?

When old auntie Mirta succeeds in a lottery and wins a car, which she cannot use herself, different family members are suddenly there to 'be helpful' in favor to get the car after aunties' death, not to mention, they never have come before to help her. The funny rivalry between two parts of family, a foolish jealousy to the near living peasants' family, which had always non-selfishly been there for auntie, is a caricature of greasy human nature. This is a slight humor of the Soviet life details as well. But aunt Mirta isn't fool, and is still young in her heart until her last minute, that appears in her last will - to whom the car, the limousine in the color of St. John's night goes.

What's The Genre Of The A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve Movie?

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Who Stars In The A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve Released?

Released: July 12, 1981

What's The Runtime Of The A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve Movie?

Runtime: 88.0

How Popular Is The A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.002

What Studio(s) Produced The A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve?

Who Was On The Crew Of A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve The Movie?

Directing — Director: Janis Streics
Writing — Writer: Mara Svire

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